How To Get The CRBR-S In Mauer Der Toten? (2025)

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Table of Contents

  • LATEST - Does It Live Up To The Hype?
  • How To Unlock A Free CRBR-S
  • How Can You Unlock The New Wonder Weapon?

Mauer Der Toten is out now and that means there's a new Wonder Weapon to get your hands on. The CRBR-S is great in a pinch and a vital part of the Easter Egg. Here's everything you need to know about how you can get one.

LATEST - Does It Live Up To The Hype?

To give an overly complicated answer: yes and no. The CRBR-S is a fantastic bit of kit and it offers a decent-enough variety to keep gameplay semi-interesting at the higher rounds. However, much like the R.A.I. K-84, the new Mauer Der Toten Wonder Weapon just feels like another Pack-a-Punched weapon. It doesn't stand out from the crown and you don't feel like you're using some incredible piece of technology.

The Ray-Gun and Wunderwaffe, two of the first Wonder Weapons, are perfect examples of what a Wonder Weapon should be. They're different from the norm and they feel that way. Die Maschine's D.I.E. Machine was a fantastic example of this and it felt like Treyarch was bringing back the "classic Wonder Weapon", one that might not be too viable but was a lot of fun. However, it looks like that might be lost. Thankfully, the Ray-Gun is still in Black Ops Cold War's Zombies...

How To Unlock A Free CRBR-S

The Mystery Box is always an option in these situations, but going after a specific weapon can cost you a lot of Points if you're unlucky. Thankfully, there is a way you can get your hands on the new Mauer Der Toten Wonder Weapon for free. There's only one, so you'll have to fight amongst your squad for the honour...

Here's everything you need to know, below. It's worth noting that the Safe Combination numbers in Step Four spawn randomly in the rooms mentioned. You'll also need to turn the Power Switch on and activate Pack-A-Punch before all of this.

Step One:

Step Two: Use Control Radio to signal Klaus and move him into the Switch Control Room, near the Train Tracks.

Step Three: Use Control Radio to signal Klaus to open Locker #0 and retrieve the Blacklight Flashlight from within.

Step Four: Use the Blacklight Flashlight to find the hidden Safe Combination around Mauer Der Toten. The relevant rooms are labelled with a 1, 2, or 3 circled on the wall.

Step Four (a): The first Safe Combination number is in the Garment Factory.

  • Spawn Locations That We Know:
    • By the interior stairs; knee height
    • On the blackboard, head height

Step Four (b): The second Safe Combination number is in the Service Passage under the East Berlin Streets

  • Spawn Locations That We Know:
    • Eastern wall, head height
    • Southern wall, head height

Step Four (c): The third Safe Combination number is in Bauers Laden, the Grocery Store.

  • Spawn Locations That We Know:
    • On the wall in the opposite corner to the main door, over head height

Step Five: Find the Safe in Hotel Room 305 and input the code.

Once you do this, all you need to step back and the Safe should open up to reveal the CRBR-S for you! The Mauer Der Toten Wonder Weapon is fantastic and it's well worth getting this done as soon as you can.

If this doesn't work for you, check the Safe Combination again. It can be a bit tricky to get the numbers right. Treyarch needs to make it somewhat difficult, right?

How Can You Unlock The New Wonder Weapon?

At the moment, there are three ways you can unlock the new Wonder Weapon in Mauer Der Toten.

  • Found in the Mystery Box
    • This is a "luck of the draw" method that can cost a lot of points.
  • Awarded after completing the relevant steps in the Main Quest
    • Detailed in the section above.
  • Proving yourself at the Trails machine
    • Earning a Legendary Reward at the Trails Machine should grant you "A" Wonder Weapon. The CRBR-S isn't guaranteed.

Following this, there's actually going to be three additional Attachments for the CRBR-S that will change the way it fires. Once you have the basic CRBR-S, you can find these by simply killing enemies. Every enemy killed with the new Wonder Weapon has the chance to drop one of these additional improvements.

We'll make sure to keep you updated with any other methods of how you can unlock the new Wonder Weapon when more information becomes available.

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How To Get The CRBR-S In Mauer Der Toten? (2025)


How To Get The CRBR-S In Mauer Der Toten? ›

The most obvious way to obtain the CRBR-S Wonder Weapon is through the Mystery Box. The Mystery Box is randomly planted on the map and can be found by looking up at the sky. You'll see a bright light in the sky and leading down to the location of the box. The box costs $950 to spin and it is completely random.

How to get CRBR-S in Mauer der Toten? ›

The Easy Ways To Get The CRBR-S In Mauer Der Toten

The first way to get it is simply by hitting the Mystery Box, with the weapon having a random chance to appear from the moving crate. However, this can be a costly method, as there is no guarantee it will come from the Box quickly.

What is the CRBR-S wonder weapon? ›

In its base form, the CRBR-S comes equipped with a Copy-Cat companion module, a floating sphere that ejects from a port in the center of the weapon and rotates around it; whenever the CRBR-S is fired, the Copy-Cat will fire an additional shot at no expense.

What does Mauer der Toten translate to? ›

Mauer der Toten (German: Wall of the Dead) is a Zombies map featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War.

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Find Three Parts For Klaus

Like most craftables, Klaus requires three parts to make him fully work. These are scattered around the map. The first part is a Microwave Dish, which is found near the Pack-A-Punch machine. On opposite sides of the PAP machine are watch towers and below them are Debris Piles.

Is the CRBR a pistol? ›

The CRBR-S Wonder Weapon starts off as an energy-based pistol with an orbiting repeater that fires an extra shot when you fire.

What's the best Wonder Weapon in cod Zombies? ›

A hip-firing beast, if there's any weapon capable of stopping zombies from overrunning the player and causing them to go down, it's the Thundergun. This Wonder Weapon blasts enemies, instantly sending them flying, and more often than not, killing them from the sheer impact of the blast.

Where is tombstone in Mauer der Toten? ›

Tombstone Soda

This is located under the Mauer Der Toten spawn location. Head down the stairs to the 5th Floor Apartments and you'll find it in the corner. For $1500, you'll come back to life as a shadow to revive yourself. If you upgrade it to level 3, you'll respawn with all weapons and equipment.

How to get firebase z wonder weapon? ›

  1. Go through the Firebase Z teleporter. ...
  2. Turn on the power. ...
  3. Grab the blueprint from the Firebase Z weapon lab. ...
  4. Collect the tank corpse eye. ...
  5. Scan the eye in the Firebase Z weapon lab to get locker key. ...
  6. Open lockers to get Mimics to spawn to obtain the Firebase Z Wonder Weapon barrel assembly part.
May 28, 2021

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