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THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER The Foremost Newspaper of The Two Carolinas SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 17 1944 SECTION TWO PAGE FOUR- 30 STREAMUKD BIBLE LESSONS Tobacco Prices Gain During Sales STED Pricing Charts For Outerwear Must Be Filed War Food Administration Reports Increase Of $113 a Hundred Pounds In Eastern Border Belt Market Maintain Heavy Vdlume Firm Prices you Will enjoy the Bible Co ve aegowAoe of Roe or Creed Thowonds hove ewAe4 MAUTIWL CMTIWCATI FOR YOU Iinll Miil Cupoft 0 WIISON Sppt 16 (JP) Th War Food administration and the State Department of Agriculture said today (hat despite lower quality offerings flue-cured tobacco markets in tforth eastern belt increased their avepapre by $113 a hundred pounds (juicing the sales week ending Friday for some leaf smoking ee enroll me 'm the 30k CINTURY BIBLE COURSE It ended etoed fhot I oMume no obligation now or loter KAMI APORISS Moil thii eoupon er lend poetcl eerd to 30th CENTURY MU SCHOOL Bos 930 Chorlotte I North Corolina Son Of Mr and Mrs Roach Stewart Of Lancaster Dies In France LANCASTER Sept 16-The parents of Lieut Roach Stewart Jr who was previously reported as missing in action were notified today that he was killed in action over France on August 3 Son of Mr and Mrs Roach Stewart of Lancaster he was born and reared in Lancaster attended grammar and high school here entered Wofford college in 1937 and received his A degree there in June 1941 He was a member of the tenfns Ipam there of Chx Beta Phi fratrnity and Phi Kappa Beta In the fall of 1941 he entered the Iaw school of the University of South Carolina staying there a year and volunteered in the air1 service in July 1942 He wa trained at Nashville starting in February 1943 at Maxwell Field Douglas Ga and Augusta Ga and was given his wings at Spence Field Multrie Ga November 1943 He was sent to Fort Myers Fla for assignment at Page Field He was a member of a P-47 Thunderbolt squadron of the Eighth Air force He was promoted to first lieutenant and was awarded the Air mpdal and Oak Leaf clusters He is survived by his parents a sister Miss Mary Stewart and a brother James Harvey Stewart nine days show an increase in average on this market nelling 2 571 f5 pound for $1119 475 34 for an average of $44 29 Salea are et ill heavj averaging 294918 pound dail LORIS Iori arehouvemen be heaviest ueek of the eaon fT the last week ale of tobacco here with an a'prage of $43 12 a hundred pound Rales rapid price firm lull floor dailv Much tobacco remains lo he sold No official announcement ha vet been made as to when the market will close IAKE CITY An heavv sale climaxed the ending of the SIXTH ANNUAL ALABAMA BLACK BELT FEEDER CATTLE SALES all the FAIRMONT The Fairmont tobacco markets figures show Season aales 24 102 334 pounds sold for $10 019 95115 average $44 01 a hundred pounds In 1941 the same salea period showed 22 219 114 pounds sold for $9 910 151 40 for an average of $39 95 This is reported as the most satinctorv season in the 49-year of history the Fairmont market WHITEVILLE Tne Whiteville tobacco Market has sold during the 1944 season through Friday September IS 1944 approximately 20 000 000 pounds of tobacco for a season average of around $44 a hundred pounds according to Kibler Jr sales supervisor of the market This surpasses any season since 1939 for the Whiteville market White-ville'i tobacconists expect the market to begin a slight decline in volume by the end of next week TlMMONSVIUsE Official figures for season sales on the market here through Fndav show 1ft-717901 pounds sold for a toial of $9704-901 47 breaking all former records jn pounds and money paid out Supervisor Waver said Prices continue firm on all grades offered Lat vear this market sold 7 990754 pounds for a total of $2 919740 99 DILLON Sept 19 Through September 1ft the Dillon tobacco market aold 9 990 824 pound for $2 907547 05 according to the official record of Rale flupervmnr Harry Hamer Thi give the market a eaon average lo date of $43 59 per hundred pound which 1 79 cent per hundred under Ihe average official iv reported for aale during August Tin slight drop la said to be due entirely 1 to a falling off in the quality Prices bv grade were firm all this week at the high level established for better grade tabor pity Official gov ernment ket would remain open until tobacco of the belt ia aold 7500 High Grade Feeders Angus Hfirtford Shorthorn Many practically purfhrud Weight 300 0 700 lbs Sonne heifers but mostly steers Graded ond sold in sorted lots Aeclimated to South From accredited areas Bons free certificate furnished on heifers REMEMBER Whenever You Are Indeed Oi flV III Trr FURNITURE Always take a look at PERRY-MINCEY CO 123-12 SOUTH COLIEG RT WATCH AND JEWELERY REPAIRING PROMPT SERVICE BROWNLEE JEWELERS 108 Tryon St An Unusual Opportunity A phtilrl Agrut opnn with Thf Arina I ifr Insiimme Co In Hukmv Sllhuiv md Orfrvhnro lo erll I Ifr An irtrnl HnspitahalHm and All plant Ctoip lnni Atirr fiijuranlrrd Mandaid ompunv trrt pint Saint And lihrml ovairid ing rommis'ion JOHN RICHARDSON (itNFKAL AGINT Aetna Life Insurance Co 1111 I ihrrlf I If Will hflnH (ter fRorr Af(inri it J- I 'an I in I a all of at is i Slt 25 lp Jaet 27 Sept 28 DemepeKe Sept 28 Mwitfeweey Sept 29 Union Spring 12:00 Neon ALABAMA BLACK BELT FIEPIR CATTLE ASSOCIATION DIMOPOLIS ALABAMA records ahow Tabor Ctv market hieaks'xth week of the tobacco season on all past record Total number of pound lake Tit market Fndav Through lojd this season is 7 209 920 $3 149 124 99 September J7 1041 the market sold 17 paid to tha farmer in the section for919 4eifl pounda for $9 717 242 79 an evr-an average nf $43 7n the pai ee of $19 45 pestncF Premise horn Retailers end wholesaler of women children's and toddlers' outerwear clothe yesterday were notified that they have until October 1 to file with the Charlotte district OPA office two copies of thrir pi icing chaits under the newly promulgated price regulation involving this gioup of merchants Unless the meichant has received aeknnw ledginrnt nMhis filing by November IS he is prohibited from Iselhng any of the items mentioned the regulation until an acknowledgment is lcccivcd The legulation lemovrs the highest price line limitation and all pio-visions lelaung to it The regulation heroines effective September IB and' trade bulletin on tha new order will he available at an early date FIVE CRIME DETECTION EXPERTS TO AID STAFF CHATKIi HILL Sept IB-Five top-flight agents from the famed ciime detection laboratory of the FVdeiat Bureau of Inveatigation will loin the instruction staff of the University's Institute of Oovernment for a seven-day school on scientific aids and crime detection for state law enfoi ring offtrers lo open here September 17 Heading the 1 delegation from the Washington laboratory will be Coffey assistant dirertor of the I Others are 1 Tsisoos Fdwtn Donaldson Frcimulh and A Leonard of whom have had many years experienre In rrime detection BRUSHY MOUNTAIN RALLY IN NORTH WILKESB0R0 NORTH WILKSRORO Sept IB -Annual session of the Brushy Mountain Rapt nt association will he held Hmshaw Street Baptist church this ritv on Tuesday and VPHne'dav Theme for the asn-( national meeting "ill he "The Chun of Tnmnrinw" Stnrvj niodrtitnr and Joidan Is In I Appealingly beautiful appealingly thrifty reflecting the new lavishness of this coats 100 all-wool in darling fitted princess reefer Sumptuous collar of Sable dyed Squirrel and lavishly furred packets In a choice of colors grey American Beauty red gteen blue and black 9-15 59 NO WAR TAX at as Remain Of Bolivar Starke Lost Nearly Two Year Dis--covered Near River MULLINS Sept IB A decomposed body identified as that of Bolivar Stark Jr who disappeared on December 20 1042 in the Little Tee Dee river swamp was found jodav by Richard McGee who 'was fishing near Stade's landing in the swamp near Galli vant's Ferry The body was identified bv car kevs found nearby and an indetifi-ratinn card in a billfold Sheriff Leon Gasque and Coroner Lunsford made the identification An inquest is set for next Friday morning at 10 30 o'clock Mr Stark who came her from Hamlet was manager of the Hunter Motor company here He left on the morning nf December 20 1042 in a motor boat he had borrowed to search for his own motor boat missing in the swamp He never returned A wide search was made for him over a long period of time The coroner was of the opinion that he died of exhaustion the day on which he left was bitterly cold The hn(jy was foynd a quarter of a mile from tha river He is survived by his wife who was Miss Emily Sessions of Clinton before marriage They had two children a son Bnhhie Stark and a daughter Mary Anne Stark They do not now live here Mother Of Swamp Victim Is Living In Charlotte Mrs Bolivar Stark mother ot Bolivar Stark Jr lives in Charlotte at 242 Colonial avenue She was notified yesterday that the body of her son had been found and will leave early this morning for Hamlet where the body wa taken Funeral set vices will he held some lime tomorrow and burial will he in Mary Love remtery in Hamlet IN DEPOT BUS Mount Holly Resident Killed In Explosion Of Ammunition In Nebraska CHICAGO Sept IB iPi Thf Ninth Nvi! dijtrirt today identified nin persons listed is ded or missing fter explosion at he Hastings Neh naval ammunition depot yesterday They included Seaman 1-C Leslie Williams Route 3 Box 233 Atmoie Ala Seaman 1-C Wiliie Williams Atmore Ala Seaman 2C Frank William David East Main atreet Linroln-lon Seaman 2-C Samuel Burns Route 3 Box 63 Delhi La Seaman 2-C Clarence Randolph Route 1 Box 201 Bartow Fla all Negroes Forty-seven rtvtlian emploves and enlisted men at the depot rereived medical attention for minor injuries No cause for the blast has been determined MISS ANDERSON NAMED VOCATIONAL COUNSELOR CHAPFL HILL Sept IB Due In the influx of ro-ods in the University of North Carolina this autumn the omollment for women is the largev-t on tt was found advisahle In appoint a vocational rounvellor for the coming year and officials aiinounred today that Mrs Tirzah Anderson of Ihe personnel Bureau of the National hoard of the A has arrrpted appointment to this position and will begin her duties Monday September IB when the autumn term opens She will serve as assistant director of the Bureau of Vnrational Military Information and as member of the education faculty Set Baptist Meet LENOIR Sept IB The Caldwell Raplist association will hold its annual meeting September 21 arid 22 King's Creek Baptist churrh it was announced yesterday hv Rev 7rh Caudle pastor of Lower Creek Baptist churi moderator of the sot in I inn Also on the committee for arrangements ate A Strnupr vire moderator and Carter Towcll clerk 83 Years Old Mia Hnrilcit tan Mntrnw lahntrl nf Chenier1 ralehraled her llrd birlhday Sunday September 16 She haa five rhildten 19 giandchildien IB gieat-grandrhildren and three iient-Kient-rnndihildren Her liunhiind Mald 1 Morrow Chenier huainennuin ied aome rar ajo Sh haa two grand'nna in Ihe aimed etue Shown with her la a certtl granddaughter Mra Nellie Hunt I 31 He leaf and cutter grades were up $1 to $2 over the previous quotations WFA said Some priming grades showed $1 increases while limited offerings of green primings showed a decrease of from $2 to $3 However the bulk of sales brought from $40 to $4fi The volume of ales was heavy every day during the week with 33401(131 pounds being mirketed at an average of $41 01 per hundred This brought the season'i gross sales to 77702073 pounds which averages $41 10 or $2 under the price ceiling Offerings during the week were composed of a considerably larger percentage of low and common quatitiea and a correspondingly smaller proportion of fine good and fair tobaccos WFA laid A large increase in the percentage of leaf grades sold resulied in this group becoming the predominant for the first week this season War prisoner wert being used on some of the markets and in aome fn tones in an effort to relieve the labor shortage WFA said some tobacco still remained to be harvested in the belt while the Crop Reporting hoard September 1 forecast for type 12 is for 317410000 pounds an increase of 30 per rent over 1043 Average prires on a lirmted number of representative grades with rhanges from the previous eek Leaf Good orange $40 tm-rhanged fair orange $4 up one low orange $44 unchanged common orange $42 unchanged com- mnn orange $42 unchanged common green (orange side1 $31 up one Smoking leaf Fair orange $4B up one low orange $41 up one common orange $43 unchanged Cutters Good lemon $47 unchanged fair lemon $47 up one low lemon $46 unrhanged Lugs Choice lemon $4 fine lemon $4B good lemon $41 fair lem on $44 low lemon $41 all unchanged Primings Kair nran ge 112 up one low orange $36 up ope Nondescript Best thin $28 down ore best crude $26 up or Warehouseman Obtain Restraining Order DURHAM Sept 16 'Open-tnrs of Durham's nine tobacco warehouses obtained today a temporary order from superior court Judge Luther Hamilton restraining buying companies from withdrawing buyers from the Durham Middle belt market which opens next Thursday Warehousemen said the rnmpanies including Liggett and Myers Reynolds and American had threatened to withdraw ooe aet of hit vers leaving the market with only two Hearing wai et for October 4 In Durham Border Belt's Seles Hold Heavy Price Firm I'MBFRTON Kpl 1 umbarfnn a obarro markal has aoM a total nf SO -7M 990 pound of flua-rurad taf far thu aaaon for an all-rvai market aver-ag of $41 SO pr hundred pound Frl-ria a aalea lolaled 911 SOA rounds for an a'erage of $4101 Approxima'elv 70 per rent of the crop in the 1 umhertnn area has been sold arrordmi to Jasoer Hutto ales aupen unr and general director To data farmer hava received ora pap 07 for their loaa The euper-inr Rev the market ha apreximately fur ueeka more to run MUHINS Sept ia The to- harm market here averaged 944 01 a hundred pound thu week for 4 900 910 pounds of tobacco Sale to date total 107 219 pound for an ai erase of $41 00 At the ame time eaon 21090 914 pounds had been old for an average of jo Supervisor Pen Posvsorth aid Saturday that the Mulling tobacco mar IN FRANCK-T Rt Jama Taul Riurl tabovf) ion nf Mr and Mia Rnd of Lrnotr Routt 2 waa wiously woiittriod in Franrf on AiiKuat arcording to a mcavnRO by hia parent Thia la the around tune that Set Roid haa barn wounded in action amre going nverraa in Januari of thia vear waa awarded the Turpi Heart medal for hi pienu wound enleied the aervlr on May 28 1941 Muir BAM AIN AMIBKA iff AMIBKA ft I rill I Itsiifs tnitvelnuB laimlmeBl fleminf fmnlsnw RIBfd Bisseet 4 rail Afa 4 TV Pu tea A SiH ge fX4 9 w-e kies fX RR mm MlCNIAAN BULB CO Perhaps you have dreamed of a refrigerator that will keep fiih game end meeti for months without spoilage or quick freeze your own fruits and vegetables to njoy monrhs later or freeze bushel of ice cubes for a party Tell when wartime tasks are done your dream will have come true For the built-in home freezer in post-war refrigerator will have all these features and more Utilizing ultre-violet rays to kill bacteria and retard mold No 'no frost-gathering foils consequently nothing to defrost Purified Melst Celd foods will Mtj fresh end moist without covering Dry Storege for food thet do not require rofrigerttion There'll be an Admiral electric range complete with new and exciting features There'll be an Admiral home freezer to ofler a new and better mode of living Admiral Radio America' Smart Set will be a i a liable in distinctive new models console and table models home-recorders portables farm radios Hut If by the world's largest manufacturer of radio-pho-nographs sa ith atxomatic record changers AdmMil HertfK liny JL' mm Artnwel PHI Hewyepa mi IN CM I WT lOTJaya far Admiral World Nawi Taiy'' SENSATIONAL VALVE! GENUINE HARRIS TWEED COATS 25 Take advantage of this early season of imported Hams Tweed bnlmocaan ond boy coot styles heather blue brown teal and luggage 10 18 EEdVLAK $1900 VALVES IfL CHICAOO 7 ILLINOIS LIADIRS IN COMMUNICATION RADAR TIliVISIQN a I-7II5 RflcCLAIN DISTRIBUTING CO CharloH 1 1213 Morhad St Dsbpb I.
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